Tuesday 13 December 2016

Student Council

Over the past week, primary school students have had the opportunity to apply to sit on the newly-formed student council. The application process was tough: children had to write a letter of application to their teacher, who chose one girl and one boy to progress to the next round. Successful class 'winners' (see photo below) then read their speech in our year group assembly, from which the strongest candidates were chosen to be the voice of Year 6.

It is therefore my pleasure to announce that the Year 6 Student Council Representatives are Haroon Hanashi and Yasmin Harris!

Well done on fantastic speeches which contained astute suggestions about how to make AYA a better place. I look forward to hearing more about them at our first council meeting :)

Thursday 8 December 2016


This term, Mme Parkin and Mme Petrie have been awarding Class Dojo points in French lessons for excellent effort and hard work. Congratulations YEAR 6 Ospreys! You won 57 HOUSE POINTS for HILARY HOUSE

Bravo tout le monde!                       Well done everyone! 

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Openings our Myths and Legends

For the past few weeks we've been building our knowledge of many of the key features of narrative writing.  We've been learning about expanded noun phrases, simple sentences (to create suspense), amazing sentence starters, 'show, don't tell' and lots of figurative language.

This week it's all coming together in our own myths and legends and they're sounding amazing so far!

Here's an example of on opening that we worked on in the Owls.

Can you see where we up-levelled?  What do you like about our writing?  What next steps can you see?

Click to enlarge

Fancy a maths challenge?

As part of our mental maths this week, Mr Meaton's class took on this challenging Sudoku puzzle. The rules are as follows:
     - each row, column and 3by2 rectangle must only contain the numbers 1-6 (used once          each).
     - the little digit in the top left hand corner tells you what the numbers in the squares              must add up to. (You can tell which squares by the little dashed lines around them.)

So, only using the numbers 1 to 6, can you complete the puzzle?! If so, come and share your success with Mr Meaton!