Wednesday 7 September 2016

Earthquake Hits Year 6!

Yesterday the students (and staff!) in Year 6 experienced an extremely rare phenomenon in the UAE: a ground-shaking earthquake!

As part of our 'natural disasters' topic, senior staff and students from the sixth form came running into the Year 6 classrooms, shouting for everybody to get under the tables for protection. Books and pencil cases fell to the floor as the wardens ran around checking everybody was OK. After we were given the all-clear by Dr Hughes, we held an assembly where the children shared their feelings with each other. Beating hearts very quickly turned into smiling faces as we talked about our crazy experience!

Over the next few days, Year 6 will use this real-life context as the setting for their very own 'quest' story in English. Keep posted for our final results..

1 comment:

  1. good job secondary ans teachers it was so funny I hit my on the table
