Wednesday 28 September 2016

Creativity at Al Yasmina

Today in assembly we learnt about what it means to be creative.

Some amazing student artists painted some creative pieces to share with us, live on stage and we talked a lot about what creativity can look like.

We thought...

"Creativity means writing a story" - Mahad, Year 4 Warblers
"It means making something" - Alya, Year 6 Ospreys

"I feel happy when I am being creative" - Mira, Year 2 Spoonbills

What do you like to do that is creative?


  1. Hi Year 6,
    We wanted to tell you about our creative skeletons that we made in Science. We were creative because we had to imagine a skeleton and the cut and glue it. Have a look at our blog, the post is called Funny Bones.

  2. Hello from New Zealand!
    Great to see that you are blogging online with your learning to share with your students, community and online audience. I have to say I think its fantastic you are thinking about things like your assembly and discussing the message that exists for students. Were a class of students from New Zealand who are in a dairy farming area - does anyone in your class know anything about New Zealand? Has anyone been to New Zealand?
    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki, New Zealand
