Wednesday 16 December 2015

Peer Teaching in Maths

In maths today, some of our learners became teachers!  They've been working hard to revise and prepare for their own workshops and today some of these students taught others in the class.

The workshops offered included short division/bus stop revision, long division and an introduction to dividing fractions.  All of our student teachers did a fantastic job of gaining an understanding of their students' starting point and were able to adapt their teaching based on the feedback and insight they gained from their students.

It was a pleasure seeing them take such responsibility and leadership for their learning.  Congratulations to Zayaan, Farah, Hassan, Matthew, Vinuth and Omar.

"Today I learnt how to do bus stop division into the trillions.  Matthew was a really good teacher; he helped me which I got stuck and didn't act like a 'big head'.  He was really helpful and I enjoyed the student teacher workshop.  I'd like for it to happen every single week - it was good!" - Leo

"I really enjoyed doing the session today because I think it was really helpful.  The students were really good because they gave us hard stretch questions.  I think we should do these student workshops more often because I made good progress" - Aisyah

"Today at the beginning of the workshop, I'd forgotten how to use long division, so Vinuth told me all these tricks and I learnt that it's basically short division just writing all of your calcualtions down.  I made really good progress today!" - Rayan.

"Teaching was a pleasure today.  I taught Ryan and Charlie and it gave me practise with long division.  I gave them super, super stretch questions and challenged them.  They made great progress and will practise some more to get even better" - Vinuth


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